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Serving our Community

From the beginning, Tel-Tec has been involved in making the community a better place to live and work.

President Morgan Clayton is a former director of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce and a chairman of the Mercy Hospital Board of Directors. He also sits on a number of regional and state-wide associations and boards. Morgan was honored as a Business Person of the Year for the City of Bakersfield.

Each year, Morgan and his company present a special forum for youth leader in the community; an annual event that helps to guide teenagers on to greater success.

From sponsoring local events to planning and implementing substantial programs aimed at guiding young people, Tel-Tec is devoted to serving the community and working in partnership with other businesses and organizations.

Employee Spotlight

"I enjoy my work here because of the experience and knowledge of the Tel-Tec team."
  -Tasha Clayton
Tasha Clayton