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Contract Vehicles

Tel-Tec has the following contract vehicles for Federal , State, Local, and School Districts:

GSA (General Services Administration)
  • Federal Supply Service Contract Schedule 84
  • GSA Schedule GS-07F-0481X More Info
State, Local, and School District Cooperative Purchasing
  • School Districts authorized to procure up to $3 Million More Info
NAICS (SIC) Codes:
334220Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
334290Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing
334512Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use
541330Engineering Services
561621Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths)

Employee Spotlight

"I love my job because I know I'm making a difference. Every day, I want to help secure the safety of our customers."
  -Bruce Clayton
Bruce Clayton