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Security and Safety

Security and Safety Program for California Schools
We help California school districts save time and resources on repetitive procurements, protect and decrease annual costs by 10% to 15%. Every California school and school district has a comprehensive Safety Plan which includes physical security and emergency management. Working with more than a dozen California school districts, Tel-Tec Security established the Security and Safety Program that partners with school districts to reduce the overhead and costs associated with security and emergency management requirements.

The Security and Safety Program provides California schools with:

  • No Cost security and safety surveys with no additional obligation
  • 10% - 15% annual savings on safety and emergency management requirements
  • Government guaranteed lowest pricing
  • Structure to comply with California procurement codes, guidelines, and policies while providing highest level of contractual protection
Protect Your Students and Decrease Annual Costs
In 2011, California's Department of General Services awarded Tel-Tec a CMAS contract which authorizes all schools and school districts to access and acquire security and emergency management solutions at the lowest costs. School districts are authorized to use this vehicle to access Tel-Tec's Security and Safety Program and federal law mandates that pricing under this program be less than what is offered to any other organization.

Incident Response
When you experience an unsafe incident or condition at one of your sites, we are ready to help. In 2011, one of California's largest school districts contacted Tel-Tec and reported a student assault with a deadly weapon. Due to student safety and legal ramifications, they contacted the Security and Safety Program for a no-cost security survey to prevent future problems. Tel-Tec provided recommendations within 48 hours and deployed a security system within 14 days.

A Trusted Partner
Tel-Tec Security Systems, Inc. supports more California School Districts than any other security company that also utilizes California's CMAS contract vehicle. California schools have found that Tel-Tec is not merely a vendor but a trusted partner.

Simplified Procurement. Lowest Pricing. Superior Customer Service.
  • California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS)
    The General Services Administration (GSA) allows only two contract vehicles to be used by local governments and school districts. One is Schedule 84, where Tel-Tec is one of only 120 companies in the Nation authorized to support security and safety requirements for federal, local government and school districts.
  • Easy Online Procurement using GSA eBuy
    GSA Advantage allows our School Districts, Federal, State and Local Government clients to procure our products and services directly through eBuy. eBuy is an Electronic Request for Quote (RFQ) / Request for Proposal (RFP) system designed to allow School Districts, Federal, State and Local Government clients to obtain products and services through an easy to use online portal. If your school district does not authorize the use of eBuy or other online procurement systems, Tel-Tec will respond to your RFP through your standard process and still provide you with the most favored customer pricing, guaranteed by the Government.
  • Sole Source
    Controlled by the federal acquisition regulation, the California CMAS contract allows school districts to purchase Tel-Tec products and services, sole-sourced, up to $3 Million.
Get Started
To learn more about these special programs, please contact Morgan Clayton or Alicia Ashurst.

Employee Spotlight

"I love my job because I know I'm making a difference. Every day, I want to help secure the safety of our customers."
  -Bruce Clayton
Bruce Clayton